It is my sincere hope that sharing my perspective and personal experiences on my own journey to myself, helps you on yours.
![]() Re-Post: Mercury has just gone retrograde again (July 14th) and will remain so until August's a reminder about the energies this cycle brings and how to use it in your life if you so choose :-)) ‘That’s not fog. It’s dragon’s breath. It’s magical. When the dragon’s breath comes, when the fog appears, it is a magical time, a mysterious time. Things begin to change.’ ~ The Lessons of Love by Melody Beattie I’ve been working with the moon cycles and this cycle called Mercury retrograde for quite some time now and have found that life has become easier because I am aware of, and use the energy of these cycles for my personal growth. Let me say first off that I have a basic understanding of Astrology, I am not an Astrologer, and it’s not my intention to make believers out of those of you who have no belief or interest in this stuff. I’m simply sharing my knowledge and personal experience for those of you who are interested in the unseen energies that move in and around us constantly. They can be very helpful for personal growth and awareness. As above, so below. Much like the description in the lead-in quote above, Mercury retrograde energy can feel at times, like a fog has set in on our lives. If we can understand and accept that change is in the air and magic is happening behind the fog, we can easier move through the fog with patience and in anticipation of a time in the future when the fog lifts and things are clear and flowing once again. There are three to four Mercury retrograde cycles per year and they last approximately three weeks. There’s a shadow period for days before and after the actual retrograde period when the energies are felt, just not as strongly as during the actual retrograde. The planet Mercury in general, rules thinking and perception, processing information, education, travel and communication. So when it goes retrograde, it often affects these areas of our lives. For instance, we might notice more than usual, missed messages, misunderstandings, text messages and emails send to the wrong person, taken out of context, or not being received at all. As well there’s often travel mix ups and delays, problems with computers, cell phones, tv’s, and vehicles. You might also notice situations, people and issues from the past resurfacing. Especially notice what was happening in your life during the last Mercury retrograde because whatever was going on in your life at that time, will likely resurface in some form so you can face that part of yourself again and continue to clear old unhealthy patterns. Sometimes it's so you can see yourself in a new light and see how you've grown since the last retrograde. It can be a frustrating time for some people, especially if you are not willing to be honest with yourself and make necessary changes in your life, or if you are pushing and trying to make something happen. It could be that your flight gets delayed or cancelled, you buy a new cell phone and it’s a total dud, or your computer crashes! Basically it’s life not going according to ‘your’ plans. Try to remember something bigger is happening and you are ultimately not in charge even though you think you are! This is not a time to make firm decisions, move forward on projects or plans, or sign legal documents or contracts. It can feel at times like you are pushing against a strong wind, so why not wait until the planet moves forward again, and have the wind CARRY you instead? When we insist on pushing forward at this time, we will often find out later that the paperwork couldn’t be completed because of some unforeseen circumstances, the contract or deal falls through, or new information is revealed that might have been important in your decision making process. It is also not a time to purchase a vehicle or electronic equipment of any kind as there are often issues that surface later with respect to that equipment or vehicle or it could be you just get a dud. The best way to use this retrograde phase is to research a new project, or work on an unfinished project, reflect on life and recent situations, revise, review, relax, renegotiate a contract or situation, clear out the old things (emails, computer files, paperwork, closets, garage, vehicle) that no longer serve you in order to free up energetic space for the new to come in. New information is often revealed to us by the end of this cycle, as there is likely something more to learn or release before moving forward on your path. It’s a great practice to back up your computer before Mercury retrograde! Confirm travel itineraries prior to travelling and do be prepared to be patient should your travel end up cancelled or delayed. I’ve learned to roll with the travel delays over the years…I used to be SO anal!! Now I understand the universe can see ten steps ahead of me and I watch for new people I might meet or circumstances that transpire that I might have missed due to the delay. Maybe it’s there to teach us patience, maybe it’s there to save our ass. It’s best to trust those delays. Personally I love Mercury retrograde!! I used to dread it when I owned and ran a travel agency though! Yikes. Although having an understanding of the energies of this cycle and keeping a sense of humor helped! When wires got crossed or computer systems went wonky, I could find some humor in it knowing full well that Mercury was behind it! Now I use this time to reflect, do a life review, watch what old stuff is coming up for me emotionally, and I put my energy into researching new projects or pulling out old unfinished projects. I am also cleaning out old emails and outdated files on my computer. I am simply aware, and do a lot of deep breathing and practicing patience, all the while knowing full well that clarity and a time to take action awaits. So? Mercury Retrograde, friend or foe? You decide. J p.s. Moon phase and mercury retrograde calendar can be found at ***************************************************************************************** "The several days before Mercury reverses direction are called the storm and it’s a good time to read what is going on in your life. The Mercury storm is like the tidal surge before a hurricane. It’s an experience that gives you information about what the ingredients of the retrograde period are likely to be. Every Mercury retrograde has different ingredients, but some themes are more likely than others. Among the most prevalent paradigms is the discovery of that which has been concealed or otherwise escaped notice. The revelation of information is one of the fringe benefits of going back over the same ground.
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