![]() We've certainly been through some rough terrain lately...some are struggling in this heart opening energy while others are feeling more free than they ever have. And it's all okay. Sometimes we can feel like we don't have a 'right' to feel happy and joyful when others are moving through tough emotions like sadness and grief but we do. It's important to remember that we are each on our own journey and that will bring what it brings. Our individual times and experiences of 'pain' are there for us to move through and become stronger in the end, and we all experience our times of struggle and pain at different times. It's important for us to have compassion for the people in our world (some we know, some we don't) who are being pushed into uncomfortable territory for their soul's growth but we don't have to take it on. It seems we humans sometimes 'feel bad' when they are experiencing joy and happiness in their world while others are suffering. What if our happiness and joy energy is helping to carry others through their hard times? It wouldn't be productive to feel bad for feeling good if that is the case. If we can be in our high spirit energy without guilt we can use it knowing we are lifting the energy of others while they are down. When we are down they might be up and helping to lift our energy. Even though it is an 'unseen' thing, doesn't mean it's not happening?! So if you are going through a difficult time in your life, know that others along with Spirit are helping to carry you. And if you are happy and high on life...bask in it!! Get as high as you can without feeling bad, knowing that you are helping to carry them. It's all about living in our hearts right now. When I went through some of my hardest times, spinning in a deep dark hole not seeing even a glimmer of light, I can see now I was being broken open. Being made to 'feel' even though those feelings didn't feel good at ALL they were still feelings. Something I'd spent most of my life trying my hardest to avoid. I'm grateful now and can see so clearly that our hearts must be cracked open in order to let the light in so we can eventually reach a feeling of peace, love, and compassion for ourselves and others. That's why we came here. To live in our hearts and it's happening, it just doesn't always feel good when we're being broken open. Those harder times also showed me who the people were who gave a shit and had my back. I wouldn't trade that for anything now because I had things all mixed up. Our hardest experiences are often there for us to grow through and heal from so we can help others once we are in a good place again. We can't do that if we let our experiences break us down...we can only move through them keeping in mind that we are being asked to become stronger, to be role models for the others. Mostly our young ones. If they see us get healthy and strong through our painful times, it gives them hope and they will know they can do it too. If we give up, they give up. They will be the leaders one day. If you're happy and high on life...SOAR, laugh, and play and don't feel bad about it. Our happiness is infectious and contagious! If you're experiencing hard emotions now or lately, hang on, keep the faith, and you will move through it to a better place. You'll see. Peace, Love and Let Your Spirit Soar
![]() Once we we become aware and know something, we can't 'unknow' it, and it is only from that place we begin to change. Becoming aware is scary sometimes. We humans have built in denial...which at times comes in handy and has it's place in our lives. It protects us emotionally until we are truly ready to look at the truth. Sometimes though, circumstances beyond our control are thrust upon us to jolt us out of our denial and into awareness. When we are not willing to see the truth within ourselves and certain circumstances, we stay stuck in the same old cycles and rob ourselves of the opportunity to grow. Denial keeps us safe from experiencing uncomfortable truths and the feelings that arise from accepting that truth. Awareness allows us the opportunity to change, and this is important now. Especially now. Our world is a mess and as the truth continues to be revealed in that respect, our souls are waking up and remembering why we came here. If not remembering, at least questioning. We can't really find the answers for ourselves though, until we are willing to be honest with ourselves. When we get to the place where we can no longer deny what we see and know to be true, we begin to change and grow. We can't change what we don't acknowledge. This means taking responsibility for our actions and instead of pointing our fingers 'out there' at someone else or the circumstances, we would better serve ourselves and the world by pointing it back at ourselves. The 'tragedies' that are happening are all a call to an awakening. The latest being the shooting at a school in Conneticut, or the one before that in a movie theater. Instead of pointing a finger at the 'bad guy', we need to stop and say, how has it come to this? What can I do to help? Maybe we can spend more time with the kids instead of plunking them in front of a tv and allowing the electronic world of violent games and non-reality teach them because we don't have time or energy. Maybe we can teach by our own actions. Maybe we can stop playing the victim so they don't learn to be the victim. Maybe we can turn off the tv and not buy into the fear and drama and our victimhood. Maybe we can pray. Maybe we can use the pain to push us to be better, and do better. Maybe we can do alot of things. I don't have everything all figured out....not even close. I only have my own life experiences to draw from and the fact that I made a clear decision to change my life and become who I came here to be. It's been scary and fun and will continue until I leave this world I'm sure. What I can share with you is what has helped me the most and that is to be self aware. To be willing to look at my short comings and the mistakes I've made along the way, and embrace the fact that I am human which means I have come here with an ego. We all have one. The danger lies in living in that ego part (shadow side) more than I live in my love part (light side). We are duality as is our outside world. There is no 'us' and 'them'...there is just 'us'. We all have experienced jealousy, anger, guilt, shame, fear, rage and moments of insanity right? So does every human, so how can we point at others with a finger of blame? We are not our Creator, we are a likeness of, that is why we were sent here. It is not in the human job description to judge another, I'm pretty sure of that, and the more we are willing to see the not so pretty parts of ourselves and learn to be self aware, self accepting and take responsibility for our part, we become more compassionate for ourselves, therefore others. To continue to buy into fear, drama and victimhood keeps us powerless. To pay attention to the lives of others and remain in denial about ourselves keeps us powerless. To stand in a place of self righteousness keeps us powerless. We are no better or worse than the next guy. We just are who we are and we all walk our own path, in the circle of life no one is ahead or behind anyone else, that is an illusion. We are all somehow able to justify our actions even when they seem unforgiveable to others. We have all cheated, lied, hated, and hurt others along the way. It's part of the deal, so we can learn to better ourselves. If we've all cheated, lied, hated and hurt others, how can we possibly look at someone or something that is doing the same and judge that? All we can do is honor the journey of another and go back to work on ourselves honoring where we are on ours. We have no idea what another person's soul's contract is....that is between them and our Creator. Being 'aware' of what is happening inside and outside of us as the truth surfaces, is pushing us to change whether we like it or not. Standing up for what we believe in is part of the awareness, but it must be done from a place of love for that belief or passion, not from a place of fear or anger. Anger and fear can't be resolved with anger and fear it can only be resolved with love and courage...both of which come from within. There is this illusion that we are small and can't make a difference in such a huge world with so many injustices and issues, when we are actually the ones who have come to make a difference, and much of the work to be done is within. One person at a time. The most important commitment I've ever made is the one I've made to myself and my healing journey which is ongoing. If we all make that commitment to ourselves first, I believe we will see the world eventually change for the better, after all the world outside of us is simply a reflection of us. Here's what I know for sure. That none of us here and now will know the full 'truth' of anything until it is our turn to cross over. It will only be at that time that our souls will be privy to the bigger picture. Until then we can only do the best we can to make this a better world and it begins by moving out of denial and into awareness, healing our own lives and doing our part to help others along the way. Peace, Love and Awareness ![]() We humans are living on this Earth at a time of great change. It's been gaining momentum for some time and has many feeling deep fear about what is coming. All this talk about the end of the world, mostly due to the day the Mayan people ended a calendar many moons ago has raised the question globally. I've wondered myself about the meaning and while I don't know anything for sure, I also know no other human knows anything about this 'for sure'. Only Creator and all who stand behind us in the Spirit world are privy to the true answer, while we humans shape a perspective based on what we feel or what we've been shown. The universe works in cycles, as do we. Seasons work in cycles, women's moontime works in cycles, we grow in cycles (infant, youth, adult, elder), there are astrological cycles, and cycles of life and death. All cycles mean change, and change oftentimes means fears surface as the old falls away to make way for the new. This is simply the end of a cycle on Earth from where I sit. It's been happening for awhile already like a momentum of heart opening energy gaining speed, with this date as a marker point perhaps for everything coming to a head and the people standing up for themselves and their beliefs. Spirit has shown me for years now over and over again that my soul will leave my body here when I am 84 years old. That may sound crazy to some but it's my reality. I used to think it sucked actually because I have spent most of my life not particularly wanting to be here in this body on this earth. I'm not sure why I've been shown this, perhaps so that I sucked it up and kept putting one foot in front of other, or maybe because I needed to know I would live through this 'end of the world stuff'? What I can tell you is I finally feel excited to be here and live my life! Many people from many cultures have some form of ancient knowledge about this time of change on Earth. I believe our souls chose to be here now, especially those who care about Mother Earth, the animals, and the next generations. Which is why I think we are being pushed out of our comfort zones to move past our fears, speak up and do what we agreed to come here to do. Basically to get our heads out of our asses, quit watching 'reality tv' and buying more 'stuff' while we turn a blind eye to what is really going on. There is a Buddha saying that comes to mind that I feel really fits these times we are living through: "Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth". Truth is what is surfacing now. All the dark within us and the world is coming to light. It's time. We have allowed ourselves to be lied to and controlled by our governments and the powers who run the world, for far too long but now the lies are surfacing and we are forced to no longer go along like robotic sheep while we standby and watch. We have come not to fight, but to take a stand for whatever we feel passionate about. I mean we've got some crazy ass stuff going on here on this planet, it's become so unbalanced and out of control. There are many humans starving on Earth and no mouth should be hungry; we would be led to believe our drug industry is actually helping us when for the most part is making us more sick; we continue to allow the raping and poisoning of Mother Earth as government continues to pull the wool over the sheeps eyes so to speak; we kill animals for fun or from a place of fear without a second thought, as if they don't have a right to be here? (God made them just like he made us); humans are bought and sold daily in slavery rings; our food is being manipulated and poisoned so we get sick in order to fuel the pharmaceutical industry (to even call most of what we eat 'food' and most pharmaceuticals 'medicine' is beyond bizarre; we have organized war that costs about the same amount it would cost to feed the starving. I could go on but I won't. The point is, we have come to a breaking point in history and we get to be here for it!! How cool is that? Sometimes I think about what those in the Spirit World see as they watch us. I'm pretty sure Creator/God/Source or whatever you believe in, doesn't see lines on the Earth saying this belongs to me and this belongs to you, and you can't cross this line unless you follow the 'rules'. I'm pretty sure they see souls and the spirit of our hearts in humans and not skin color or how or where we pray (if you pray). I'm pretty sure that Earth is the most toxic planet in the solar system and the only reason it is so, is because it is inhabited by humans who's egos have gotten a little out of control, ok, alot. And I'm pretty sure no one is coming to save us except us. It's my belief (and I am well aware not everyone shares in my belief and that's a-o-k with me!) that the way forward is one of heart, and that we will see peace on this earth when each and every one of us makes a commitment to find peace inside ourselves. This is going to take work., by way of self awareness, practicing forgiveness (of self first), kindness, finding what brings us joy, acceptance of ourselves therefore others, and love, love, love. The more we become aware of our own egos and face the dark side of our humanness (which we ALL have) and embrace that part of us versus fueling that part of us, we slowly get there, layer by layer. If there are shake ups in your life, loss or forced change, it is there to push your soul to live up to your promise and when we begin to live our lives aligned with our souls, things start to feel better and get easier to handle. I believe the way forward lies in looking back at the Ancestors and how they understood that everything on the Earth was connected. They understood how to live simply and that the Earth and Creator provided what was needed. They respected all living things and had a deep connection with the Spirit World through drumming, dancing, ceremony and prayer. Things got all messed up and now here we are. There is a planetary alignment that will take place on December 21, 2012 (winter solstice) which marks the end of the Mayan calendar. This is a true turning point in the Earth's history and the beginning of a new world. How do we want this world to look? That is the question and it's up to us. Peace, Love and Change ![]() We can look at what we didn't do, or we can look at what we DID do...we can look at what we lost, or we can be excited about what we are about to gain...we can look at the past or we can anticipate our great future. We have just come out of a mercury retrograde phase and eclipse season...where we've all, no doubt, gone through circumstances which has tested our strength and had some 'past' feelings and issues surfacing giving us the opportunity to shed yet another layer of our old selves and old circumstances. I dipped and dived into those waters myself for a few days. Reflecting on what was or what could have been, as it is part of our human process, it's purpose being that of personal growth. A process for which I am most grateful for today. Some days we get self absorbed and feel sorry for ourselves, wishing things could be different. But they're not. They are what they are. It's in that acceptance where we find peace. It's in keeping faith that all is as it's meant to be and the knowing there is a bigger plan working that we can't always see. It's about making mistakes and learning from them, bringing ourselves to a place of knowing better so we can do better. The trick is not getting caught up in our negative thought patterns for too long. Just long enough to be aware of the opportunity to use them to find gratitude in our lives and to make a choice to pat ourselves on the back for our accomplishment, instead of beating ourselves up for what we know we should have done or should still do but haven't yet, or to let go of what is gone and look forward to what is yet to come. It can definitely be a challenge to stay positive all the time that's for sure...impossible I would say...but there's power in our awareness of those negative thought patterns surfacing. We can notice them, acknowledge them and look at something to be grateful for. Taking time out to nuture ourselves and just 'be' and not 'do' helps too. It's in those quiet times where we can hear our own heartbeats, and realize we are connected to a powerful universal love energy, and truly are never alone on our journey as souls having a human experience. I choose to be grateful today for the amazing supportive people in my life, and finding joy in the simplest things. I choose to believe that something incredible is about to happen, and that the best of my life is yet to come. Peace, Love and Perspective ![]() DARKNESS and LIGHT ~ Babs '12 Raven Spirit teaches us about duality and the magic that comes from moving through the dark times in our lives. Out of the dark, comes the light. If we do not experience challenges on our journey we would be unable to recognize and bask in the blessings that come from those dark times. Ravens are one of the strongest, smartest, and hardiest of the winged ones that fly among us. They endure cold, dark Arctic winters and remind us to hang on and move through the seasons and cycles of our lives, trusting that winter does not last forever. It's not always easy moving through the dark and challenging times in our lives, in whatever form they appear. It seems we humans find it easier to resist accepting times of pain and hardship and feeling like life isn't fair, when it is, in fact part of life. If we learn to embrace those times, meaning we accept them as part of our life experience, at some point we understand the reason. We will see the blessing in disguise that comes from such a time. The good isn't always apparent immediately, but if we trust that it is there, and will show itself eventually, we will have an easier time making sense of this life and all that appears to work against us. When dark times fall upon us, we have an opportunity to learn forgiveness, peace and to open our hearts rather than close up more and resist life on life's terms. Dark times often see us experiencing an outpouring of love from others who are aware of our pain. We can oftentimes use these experiences to heal and get stronger then help others who will experience similar hardships after us. Take Hurricane Sandy for instance (or any other 'tragedy'), we can look at the devastation and see only that, or we can help by praying or donating and watch and listen to the stories of love that come as a result of the darkness. People have opened their hearts and homes to help others in a city where many people were walking through life numb and taking daily blessings for granted. If, while we are experiencing grief and sadness and chaos, we are looking for the crumbs (and I say crumbs because sometimes that's all there is) of goodness among the debris, the experience can't break our Spirits. For me personally, and only in the past ten years after a very dark time in my own life, I've found myself getting closer to Spirit instead of further away (where I used to go). While I don't always understand the bigger reasons right away, I trust there is a grand plan that is bigger than me and us. I've also found that because of my dark times, I've found my heart more open than it's ever been. I've allowed it to soften my hard edges and find myself experiencing joy on levels I'd yet to experience. If I'd not known the dark, I'd not have recognized the light and for that I am truly grateful. I've also come to know that I am strong enough to move through whatever is coming next. Winter doesn't last forever, only for a season. Peace, Love & Duality ![]() We humans certainly are a funny bunch. There is this thing we do when an uncomfortable emotion surfaces (usually triggered by something or someone outside of ourselves...which I've recently experienced again) where we feel we don't have a right to have that feeling (for me it's anger). So instead of accepting that feeling, just sitting with it, or moving through it, we argue with it because we 'feel bad' for having it. Or worse, we blame other people for OUR feelings!! Other people may have triggered us to feel a certain way, but we are ultimately responsible for our own feelings! When we don't allow ourselves to 'feel' our emotions, they will continue to surface in some way. Maybe an inappropriate outburst of anger or rage, illness, an accident, or depression. We humans have been conditioned NOT to feel. "Don't cry or I'll give you something to cry about" sound familiar? If we were taught how to express our anger or fear or sadness in healthy ways, I definitely missed that class!! Men especially, have been conditioned not to feel. Personally, I have been a 'stuffer' of feelings my whole life. This has surfaced in a few of ways for me, a struggle with depression, 'snapping' and inappropriately lashing out at the wrong people, sickness, accidents, and/or turning to drugs and alcohol or whatever other diversion I could find in order to avoid FEELING. I've learned through doing my inner work (which is pretty much a constant thing) and through coaching others, that forgiveness (of self first and foremost) is one form of letting go and one of the ways to inner peace. While I definitely believe that to be true, I see us sometimes skipping a very important and necessary step on the way to forgiveness. Expressing our feelings! When we are holding on to unexpressed hurt or anger, we will never be able to truly let go, forgive and move on, until that hurt or anger is expressed, despite our willingness to forgive. Our pain usually goes back to something that happened in our childhood, when we weren't able to understand our feelings, let alone express them in a healthy way. Throughout our lives we end up attracting similar circumstances or people who cause us to feel that old pain again, giving us opportunity to face it, feel it, forgive, and finally move on. When the uncomfortable feelings surface, instead of really feeling them and taking a look back in order to identify then express the 'old' painful feeling, we will 'react' to it by one of the many ways we 'avoid' feeling. Each human has different ways to numb or procrastinate when it comes to 'feeling'. Some people smoke, do drugs, drink, shop, gamble, eat, have sex, game, or turn on the tv for hours, all to avoid experiencing the uncomfortable feeling. You'll notice if or when you try to stop your addiction of choice, uncomfortable feelings will usually surface more than normal, which makes you crave your addiction more because you are trying not to feel it. The wheels on the bus go round and round! I've managed to slowly identify my feelings by asking myself in the moment of reaching for my choice of 'diversion' "what are you avoiding or feeling right now Barb"? I'm not gonna lie, this self-awareness gig is hard work?! The willingness to be transparent to myself however, has been and continues to be the most rewarding gift I've ever given myself. It's still a work in progress and I love that I've made myself my own project! We really do have to feel it to heal it. If we don't allow ourselves to feel our painful emotions, we will never truly heal them. If we keep reaching for whatever form of diversion or addiction we use to numb the feelings as they surface, we will never be free from the old pain. The numbing device will definitely provide temporary relief and sometimes even a feeling of elation, but it will be just that. Temporary. It won't be long before the pain surfaces again giving us another opportunity to feel it so we can heal it. You can't change what you don't acknowledge so the first thing on the list is to acknowledge the feeling, feel it, then move it. Here are some ways I've used to move my feelings. It's important to move emotion. Motion changes emotion. If we don't move it, it gets stuck and continues to cause havoc in our lives. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY done with the intention of moving anger is a great release JOURNALLING our feelings, or writing a really angry letter to anyone and everyone we feel anger towards, allows us to move those feelings out of us and onto the paper....really let loose then burn the letter unless you feel you need to give it to the person PUNCH PILLOWS or a BAG SCREAM really loud into a pillow, or while driving (with the windows rolled up of course lol) CRY....balling our faces off (watch a sad movie and let 'er rip...whatever it takes to get those tears flowing!) SHARE feelings with someone we trust....confiding in one person for the purpose of moving emotion (as opposed to telling ten people and creating a drama) CREATE art, music, poetry, or your story ... some of the most amazing artwork, songs, poetry and books have come from people's painful experiences There's a flow,a pattern in this process...feeling arises, acknowledge it, accept it, feel it, move it...repeat :)) Healing tends to happen in layers so we need to be gentle with ourselves and the process, understanding that the same old feelings will continue to surface until we've worked through them. The more the layers fall away the more room there is for the happy feelings!! Most importantly we need to be gentle and patient with ourselves and the process, as we would be with a best friend. I'm not perfect and don't have everything figured out that's for sure, but I can share what I've learned and continue to practice on my own journey and maybe that will help you on your journey :) Peace, Love and Feelings..... ![]() As humans we are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choices. This is a tough one for alot of people, especially parents I would think. To watch our loved ones who we can see are in painful places as a consequence of their actions, or that their current choices will lead to obvious pain, isn't the most comfortable feeling that's for sure. Not only can we exhaust ourselves by spending energy trying to convince others to make a better choice for themselves, we are sometimes interfering with the way in which they are meant to learn. Of course there are a million different scenarios but the simple analogy I find myself using alot is how we can tell a child ten times not to touch a hot stove, but sometimes they need to actually touch the hot stove and experience the burn in order to learn and understand for themselves. It is only then that they will choose never to touch a hot stove again. Even though our intentions are well and good in attempting to prevent that child from burning their fingers, we've just exhausted ourselves by telling them repeatedly what we know will ultimately cause them pain, then we get mad because they didn't listen. Sometimes things need only be said once or maybe twice and then we need to trust that human to rely on their own senses. By attempting to 'save' another person from something we can so obviously see will ulitimately hurt them, we prevent them from using and building their own intuition and life experience to become who they came here to grow into. We don't know what another soul's purpose is. So if someone who's soul chose to come into this life to help addicts for instance (whether that be alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, food, etc.), that person would have likely chosen a path of an addict. That way they would have the opportunity to experience a 'bottom' and therefore have a choice to help themselves heal and get strong, so later in life they could help others do the same. People tend to better relate to others who've had similar experiences as opposed to someone who's lived a charmed life but has a degree on the wall. One of my biggest lessons in this life has been to know when to go out on a limb to help someone. It's taken me a long time to know when to shut up and watch a situation unfold, even if I can clearly see someone I care about heading for pain. I can offer to listen and offer my spin on things but most people don't want to hear. They want to experience for themselves. I have literally exhausted myself in the past trying to help others from obvious bad choices (meanwhile I was making my own pretty bad choices!! haha). People who love me have also at times exhausted themselves attempting to convince me not to do something. I wasn't listening because I needed to learn my own way, and while I appreciate the concern, that energy could have been better spent on themselves. I think our power lies in using the energy we so desperately spend trying to convince others to make better or different choices, to make ourselves better and make better choices in our own lives. There's no greater way to teach or help others than by walking our talk and teaching by action. Letting go of wanting to control the choices that people in our lives make, is actually the best gift we can give someone. The freedom to walk their own journey and learn how they are meant to learn in the time frame in which they need to learn. We only have power over ourselves. This doesn't mean we don't care, we can still be there when they fall, to listen, advise and assist if they are open to that. The tricky part is knowing when to advise and when to walk away! If we find ourselves around people who continuously make the same painful choices and continue to complain about the same painful consequences like a broken record, it might be time to walk away and save your energy. They are choosing the victim role because it's familiar to them and they do not feel they deserve better so continuously choose the pain because that too, is familiar for them. Maybe we are in a similar pattern too but are so busy trying to help them, that we aren't looking at us! Only they can make better choices for themselves and only we can make better choices for ourselves If we find ourselves sticking around and feeling sorry for them every single time, we are enabling them, and we are feeding our need to be needed. We can all be there for each other in healthy and supportive ways, only when we are supporting ourselves in healthy ways : ) Peace and Love Freely ![]() Re-Post: Mercury has just gone retrograde again (November 6th) and will remain so until November 26th....here's a reminder about the energies this cycle brings and how to use it in your life if you so choose :-)) ‘That’s not fog. It’s dragon’s breath. It’s magical. When the dragon’s breath comes, when the fog appears, it is a magical time, a mysterious time. Things begin to change.’ ~ The Lessons of Love by Melody Beattie I’ve been working with the moon cycles and this cycle called Mercury retrograde for quite some time now and have found that life has become easier because I am aware of, and use the energy of these cycles for my personal growth. Let me say first off that I have a basic understanding of Astrology, I am not an Astrologer, and it’s not my intention to make believers out of those of you who have no belief or interest in this stuff. I’m simply sharing my knowledge and personal experience for those of you who are interested in the unseen energies that move in and around us constantly. They can be very helpful for personal growth and awareness. As above, so below. Much like the description in the lead-in quote above, Mercury retrograde energy can feel at times, like a fog has set in on our lives. If we can understand and accept that change is in the air and magic is happening behind the fog, we can easier move through the fog with patience and in anticipation of a time in the future when the fog lifts and things are clear and flowing once again. There are three to four Mercury retrograde cycles per year and they last approximately three weeks. There’s a shadow period for days before and after the actual retrograde period when the energies are felt, just not as strongly as during the actual retrograde. The planet Mercury in general, rules thinking and perception, processing information, education, travel and communication. So when it goes retrograde, it often affects these areas of our lives. For instance, we might notice more than usual, missed messages, misunderstandings, text messages and emails send to the wrong person, taken out of context, or not being received at all. As well there’s often travel mix ups and delays, problems with computers, cell phones, tv’s, and vehicles. You might also notice situations, people and issues from the past resurfacing. Especially notice what was happening in your life during the last Mercury retrograde because whatever was going on in your life at that time, will likely resurface in some form so you can face that part of yourself again and continue to clear old unhealthy patterns. Sometimes it's so you can see yourself in a new light and see how you've grown since the last retrograde. It can be a frustrating time for some people, especially if you are not willing to be honest with yourself and make necessary changes in your life, or if you are pushing and trying to make something happen when it's not time for it to happen. It could be that your flight gets delayed or cancelled, you buy a new cell phone and it’s a total dud, or your computer crashes. Basically it’s life not going according to ‘your’ plans. Try to remember something bigger is happening behind the scenes and you are ultimately not in charge even though you think you are! This is not a time to make firm decisions, move forward on projects or plans, or sign legal documents or contracts. It can feel at times like we are pushing against a strong wind, so why not wait until the planet moves forward again, and have the wind CARRY us instead? When we insist on pushing forward at this time, we will often find out later that the paperwork couldn’t be completed because of some unforeseen circumstances, the contract or deal falls through, or new information is revealed that might have been important in our decision making process. It is also not a time to purchase a vehicle or electronic equipment of any kind as there are often issues that surface later with respect to that equipment or vehicle or it could be we just get a dud. The best way to use this retrograde phase is to research a new project, or work on unfinished projects, reflect on life and recent situations, revise, review, relax, renegotiate a contract or situation, clear out the old things (personal patterns that aren't working anymore, emails, computer files, paperwork, closets, garage, vehicle) that no longer serve you in order to free up energetic space for the new to come in. New information is often revealed to us by the end of this cycle, as there is likely something more to learn or release before moving forward on our path. People from our past will often times surface at this time. It’s a great practice to back up our computers before Mercury retrograde! Confirm travel itineraries prior to travelling and do be prepared to be patient should your travel end up cancelled or delayed. I’ve learned to roll with the travel delays over the years…I used to be SO anal!! Now I understand the universe can see ten steps ahead of me and I watch for new people I might meet or circumstances that transpire that I might have missed due to the delay. Maybe it’s there to teach us patience, maybe it’s there to save our ass. It’s best to trust those delays. Personally I love Mercury retrograde!! I used to dread it when I owned and ran a travel agency though! Yikes. Although having an understanding of the energies of this cycle and keeping a sense of humor helped! When wires got crossed or computer systems went wonky, I could find some humor in it knowing full well that Mercury was behind it! Now I use this time to reflect, do a life review, watch what old stuff is coming up for me emotionally, and I put my energy into researching new projects or pulling out old unfinished projects. I also clean out old emails and outdated files on my computer. I am simply aware, and do a lot of deep breathing and practicing patience, all the while knowing full well that clarity and a time to take action awaits. So? Mercury Retrograde, friend or foe? You decide. ***************************************************************************************** "The several days before Mercury reverses direction are called the storm and it’s a good time to read what is going on in your life. The Mercury storm is like the tidal surge before a hurricane. It’s an experience that gives you information about what the ingredients of the retrograde period are likely to be. Every Mercury retrograde has different ingredients, but some themes are more likely than others. Among the most prevalent paradigms is the discovery of that which has been concealed or otherwise escaped notice. The revelation of information is one of the fringe benefits of going back over the same ground. p.s. Moon phase and mercury retrograde calendar can be found at www.astroprofile.com ![]() I was on a packed Greyhound bus the other day on a 6 hour journey from Grande Prairie to Edmonton. My heart is always happy when I'm travelling regardless of the conditions. It's always interesting to me to observe human behavior (my own included). I noticed in amongst the complainers (because the bus was an hour late) and just general complaining, there was also sharing and laughter. That's duality and shows me that life looks different to everyone and how I used to be the complainer myself. To some, life looks grim and hopeless, and to others, it just is what it is and will be what it will be. At one point on this journey I pulled my handy dandy little laptop out of my purse and decided to listen to some Spiritual type recordings I'd saved along the way for times like this. I like to feed my soul with positivity and a higher view of what appears to be happening. I was guided to listen to an interview with Neale Donald Walsh, the author of Conversations with God. If you are not familiar with him, his journey has been an interesting one. He was on top of the world in his younger years, unstoppable in fact. Or so he thought. Yet in his later years at one point, he found himself having lost everything. His job. His relationships. His home. He lived on the streets for a year as a result of this experience and this is when he was opened by the darkness that surrounded him at this point on his personal journey, and found the voice of Spirit talking to him. He named that voice God, and later shared his experience and these conversations with Spirit through a series of books called 'Conversations with God'. A particular part of this interview stood out to me so I whipped out my little notebook and drew on my old mad steno skills and wrote it down. Here it is. "You are (I am) the light. Good. Now how would you know you ARE the light if there weren't darkness? God said I will surround you with darkness. Raise not your fist to heaven and curse the darkness not, but USE the darkness so you may know who you really are. BE a light unto the darkness so that all those who see YOU might know who YOU really are and by the light of your example, who THEY really are as well." It reminded me of how many times I shook my fist at life and how jaded I was most of my life being angry at Creator by refusing to believe he even existed! Even when I found my spiritual path and belief in a higher power and purpose, when I found myself in places of struggle, I did raise my fist and curse the darkness and God!! I see clearly now, it was because things weren't going MY way or on MY time schedule! Yet looking back on all the times of darkness I've experienced, it is crystal clear to me that they were meant for me to use as an opportunity to grow and find myself. To become stronger. To question why I was here on this Earth. The other snippet of the interview that stood out to me was this: "If you judge it (the darkness and struggle), resist it, make it wrong, it will become (in your imagination) virtually insurmountable. Only by embracing and accepting it, by actually BLESSING it, is to learn who you really are". To surrender our expectations of how life 'should' be according to us, is to free ourselves from alot of pain. We don't know all of the answers and we won't see the reasons for many things here on Earth until our soul leaves our bodies to go home. Trusting that our souls have chosen this experience here and now for a reason is empowering. Today I am most grateful for all of my darkness, and as it continues to show up I embrace it, knowing fully that there is a grander plan and I'm not working alone here. I say to Spirit, I know you can see ten steps ahead of me and trust that all is for a reason I'm not able to see yet and there is some opportunity in this for me (us) to grow stronger. Show me. I'm listening. Peace, Love and Embracing the Darkness ![]() WHAT IF? When I first made a commitment to change my life and paying attention to my thoughts and how I was talking to myself, I noticed these two words would precede many of my thoughts. They still do, but in a more positive way than in the past. Like many humans, I have spent most of my life in fear and worry mode. While those very familiar emotions still surface, and probably will until the day my soul chooses to leave my body, they seem to surface now more to remind me that there is nothing to worry about or to fear. It's an illusion created by me and my negative thinking patterns. I've learned that I will always be okay no matter what as long as I keep the faith in a bigger plan, and I stay in close relationship to Creator. At one point I made a pact with myself to stop using the phrase"what if". I did this because I found myself starting a thought or a sentence with those two words and ending it with thoughts or words that continued to instill fear in me. I would find myself completely paralyzed at times when choosing those negative thoughts. Sometimes I'd instill enough fear in myself to cause severe anxiety attacks. Getting to know oneself intimately by being willing to recognize and face our patterns, our familiar stories, our unwillingness to change or forgive, seems like the harder road to travel. It definitely feels that way at times, however I've found that road eventually has surfaces more smooth than I've ever experienced, longer straight stretches of freedom, and less bumps along the way. Staying on the fence, or being in denial, or worse blaming everything and everyone else for how WE are feeling seems like the easy road to take because we won't have to change by taking responsibility for ourselves, our feelings or our actions. It takes going to that scary place. The mirror. To look into our own eyes and face the horrible person we 'think' we are and accept that person. Taking what appears to be the easy road, has everything staying the same. Kinda like driving around in circles. Same scenery, same bumpy bullshit showing up over and over until it's faced and healed. I've travelled both roads, and I have to tell you, taking the former has been the hardest road at times but ultimately has been the most freeing. The shackles that bind us are of our own making. So my old fear based thoughts looked something like this: What if I trip and fall and hit my head? What if I can't pay my bills? What if 'they' don't like me (translation why don't I LIKE ME?!) What if I don't do it right? What if something horrible is about to happen? What if someone gets mad at me? What if we humans don't wake up and we continue to destroy the Earth? What if it's too late? What if I'm not good enough? You get the picture. Fear. Fear. Fear. Worry. Worry. Worry. I was the only one who could change my thoughts and patterns. I knew that for sure. So I did, and continue to. After years of removing the "what if" phrase from my personal vocabulary, I've recently welcomed it back in, in a positive way. Now it looks something like this: What if I have no expectations? What if I wasn't scared? What if by finding my own inner peace and happiness, I inspired young people to do the same? What if I choose compassion and forgiveness? What if something awesome is about to happen? What if we all learned to love and accept ourselves? What if by showing kindness to others it creates a ripple effect in the universe? What if we all faced what is truly happening, instead of making excuses or burying our heads? What if we spent more time looking at solutions instead of problems? WHAT IF ?? ![]() When I was a young girl (that would be many, many moons ago now) I remember how I saw the world and our planet. I can remember feeling quite hopeless actually in seeing very clearly that the humans were destroying the Earth. I thought what's the point?! You've destroyed her! Why am I in this place of destruction, pollution and disrespect, where people abuse the Earth, themselves and each other? I felt like all this talk about God made no sense to me. How could there be such thing as a 'God' that would have allowed this kind of abuse? I also made a very interesting decision at that very young age, which was not to bring children into this world. I felt VERY hopeless and angry. Looking back now, I understand my soul's path and why that was my beginning, my wise soul knew why I was here but the human part of me needed to walk a very long road in order to be more aligned with my soul. As we all do. I love Mother Earth so much, and I'm passionate about her well-being and I needed to find my own way to my personal belief system, through those years of struggle. What followed for many years was me being disconnected from a higher power, which resulted in my feeling so very alone and choosing to numb myself which rendered me powerless. It's only been in the past ten years that I've found my faith and my path and a belief in what I call Creator. It has only been since I've found that relationship with Spirit, and strengthened my personal connection with a higher power, that I have found purpose and clarity in my life, and hope. I can see now why I felt so protective of Mother Earth back then, because as an adult, I would be using a gift I never fully understood until now. Giving a voice to her and the animals, birds and insects through my drawings. I understand now that we're all a part of our Creator and I believe our souls chose to be here on this planet, at this very time, to clean up our mess. I say 'our' because I think every single one of us has to take responsibility for how we've contributed and continue to contribute to the current way of the world. Mother Earth sustains us. But we humans seem to have forgotten this. We take her for granted every day, fully expecting water to come out of a tap, and a light to appear when we flip a switch. While I have personally struggled as I've observed the ongoing destruction and disrespect toward her for my entire life, I finally have hope. Which is kind of interesting as she is in worse shape now than when I was a young girl. We humans are actually waking up, becoming more aware, and taking action which is what gives me hope. The truth continues to surface daily with respect the trickery and greed in this world which I think is great because it means we can no longer ignore what is actually happening. People are speaking out to give the Earth a voice and that gives me hope. We are recycling and using more user friendly cleaning products, we are conserving energy and attempting to find more eco friendly energy using what she freely provides to us, wind, water, and sun. More hope. I think sometimes we feel small, like how can one person make a difference to make a change this HUGE? Turning a planet around. Cleaning up our mess. I think it's possible though, and more than that it's a must if we wish to leave something for the generations to come. I also think that if we are here, on this planet now, we came here to do this. No one is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves. If everyone takes the time to pick up some garbage, turn off the lights when they are not needed, turn down the heat in our homes during the day when the house is empty, turn off the water when we're brushing our teeth, takes the time to recycle, doesn't leave vehicles running, takes the bus, rides a bike, car pools when possible, buys used items, lives communally, and uses natural cleaning products, it will all add up and we become less of a burden. Our power is in the collective and if we all do a little something we can and will eventually make a big difference. Our future actually depends on it. There's a healing energy simply in acknowledging what she provides for us, instead of taking it for granted. We can show gratitude by being thankful to her for our breath, and for clean water to drink (which is being poisoned at alarming rates), warm showers, lights, heat, food, the ability to travel, and her breathtaking beauty. I give thanks to her daily and that might not seem like much but it's something. While things aren't ideal just yet, at least there is hope on the horizon. I sometimes wonder how a young boy or girl sees the world now, if I saw what I saw all those years ago. Do they have hope? Or were they like me at that age, seeing how the humans that came before them destroyed our beautiful home and wonder 'what's the point'? Either way, they are who we leave this planet to and the generations after them. Let's keep doing our part and honoring our Mother so they have more hope for the planet than I did as a kid. Let's give them a seat at the tables where decisions are being made that ultimately affect them and their future. Let's listen to them. Peace, Love and Respect Your Mother ![]() "Listen, or your tongue will keep you deaf"...I would love to share the name of the person who spoke these words however I don't know. Although, our Ancestors who practiced the old traditional ways of life would not have cared to seek credit for their words anyway, as the wisdom was offered with an open heart to help others live a better life. I share these wise words with the utmost respect and thanks. It's been my observation and experience the past few years, since I've been actively working on my 'listening' skills, that listening seems to be a lost art. Not that it's really an art I guess, it's actually a powerful tool to maneuvre through this life. It's one of the senses that we humans were given here to use on our soul's journey. I've found that not listening has gotten especially more noticeable the more overcome we are by the latest technology. Our attention has become so easily diverted and we all tend to be more self absorbed at times than is healthy. Have you ever noticed yourself in a group situation or even one on one where you are not listening because you are too busy thinking about what you are going to say next? Have you ever noticed you ask someone a question, even one as simple as 'how are you?' but you can't remember what the other person told you? Great marker points for us to realize we aren't listening. I'm not sure if many people even give this much thought but I have really noticed it the more I practice my listening skills that most people are not listening when it's the other person's turn to speak. They drift off or are busy checking their phones or if I've noticed when I'm having a phone conversation with someone, I can tell when they are more interested in checking their computer or sending a text than being truly engaged in what I hoped to be an equal exchange of energy. I've even sometimes found myself sitting with two or three people all talking at once, unsure of who to listen too! haha We can learn alot by practicing our listening skills. Learning how to listen makes the sharing experience far more enjoyable and productive. Many of the Indigenous practices use what is called a talking stick, or I've experienced some using a stone as well. It's a powerful way to honor another while they speak. While the person who holds the stick or rock is speaking, no one else speaks. It is that time for you to listen and respect that person and what they have to contribute. When that person is finished speaking, the stick or rock is passed so the next person can be heard. Listening skills were extremely important to our Ancestors who lived on the land, their survival often depended on it. I owe the beginning of my self awareness about my own listening skills to a roommate I had in Inuvik some years back. We were talking one night at the kitchen table and I was interrupting like I used to do alot, and yapping my face off like I used to do alot, when he stopped me and said "You're on transmit again and I need you on receive!". How funny is that? Nothing like hearing it from a highway man! After that moment I started to become aware of myself and when I was and wasn't listening. That was a valuable lesson for me and while I've as yet to perfect it, I remain aware of it to this day. Through my life coaching work I have often had clients who are in their heads so much analyzing and over analyzing things that they aren't open to notice or hear their messages from their higher self or Spirit helpers like guides and angels, let alone people. The thinking and being in their mind so much, has actually acted like an energetic wall stopping the flow of ideas and inspiration that wants to come through. This is especially noticeable among air signs such as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. The idea is to learn when to think or talk, and when to listen and be still. This is in no way a judgement, simply an observation. It's also been my observation that some people who are not particularly good at listening have hearing problems, or ear problems. At times, I've also been shown that their pets or kids have taken on the hearing or ear issues to reflect it back to whoever in the house is meant to be shown to work on their listening sense. It's hard being honest with ourselves sometimes, admitting or accepting that part of ourselves we are adamant that we are NOT. However, denial keeps us from growing and the ego loves that ;-) What a different world this would be if we all started to be aware of, and practice truly listening and engaging in the natural back and forth flow of a conversation. Truly listening to another person speak is like silently saying 'you matter', 'I see you and I hear you'. We all need to learn to talk less and listen more at the appropriate times. Just think of how much more fulfilling our conversations and relationships could be! Like the old ditty says, "A wise old owl sat on the oak, the more he heard, the less he spoke, the less he spoke, the more he heard, now wasn't he a wise old bird?" Peace, Love and Listening ![]() So much has been written and talked about on this subject of forgiveness, and God only knows we've all had opportunity after opportunity to put it into practice. As we all know, what we resist persists so until we get it figured out it, those opportunities will continue to arise. I can only share what I have personally learned on the topic and well, here it is. Unforgiveness and holding on to resentment towards ourselves and others only hurts one person. Us. It think people who show up in our lives who we feel hurt by, are there to teach us about ourselves and where we are at on our own journey. The hurt we feel others have caused us, comes from a place within them that is in pain. Hurt people end up hurting people. The people who cause the most pain in the lives of others are actually the ones who are in the most pain. They have been hurt so badly themselves (usually in childhood) that they shut down emotionally and act out of a place of being closed and jaded. They made a decision to make sure no one else gets close enough to hurt them so they hurt you! We've all hurt other people too, no one is exempt from this because we've all had some pain somewhere in our past. We need to forgive ourselves too, and understand that we've hurt others in our lives from that place of pain. We can use our pain as a guage. The more we heal our own pain, the more we will notice people not showing up to hurt us. They are our mirror and we are theirs. If we can look at who and how we've hurt others as a result of our old painful experiences, and forgive ourselves, then we can find the compassion needed to understand that we are all human, we've all got pain, and then we can find forgiveness for another. This is not an easy process, and it is just that, a process. But it is doable and oh so freeing. I've been confused at times in my process of forgiveness because I thought at one time, that if I forgave someone that meant what they did was okay. That's not it at all. To forgive someone's actions means honoring the fact that they're human and they have pain, sometimes so deep that they've done things to others that seem unforgivable. To find it in our hearts to forgive their actions, frees us from carrying around resentments that hurt US. It doesn't mean we have to be their friend again, or have them in our lives, although that might be an option. It's okay to cut them out of our lives completely, we need to do whatever has us being true to ourselves. Many of us have even held resentment toward God, Creator, Universe, Source (whatever name we personally use for a higher power) because we can't understand why 'bad' things happen. Myself included. I was so mad at God most of my life, I refused to acknowledge a higher power even existed! What I've learned is that my anger and resentment had me moving further away from having a relationship with my Creator, when in fact the more I opened spiritually the more I have been able to find peace and forgiveness. I understand that everyone is on their own journey and that I am only in control of my own actions and reactions and healing my own pain. Every circumstance and person I encounter is there as an opportunity for me to grow if I choose, and that is what I choose. What if the souls of the people who have hurt us the most, made an agreement with our souls before we signed up for this gig on Earth loved us so much that they agreed to meet us here and cause us pain so we could grow and find freedom through forgiveness? Pretty radical I know, but I believe this is the case. Again it doesn't mean we can't cut them out of our lives, it just means using the opportunity to learn and grow through forgiveness. I forgive and send thanks to their soul and hope they find a way to heal the deep pain they must have experienced in their childhood. I honor their journey and know it is not me they need to answer to. It's themselves and their Creator. We are experiencing with others all through our lives, and even though we are having an experience together, that experience will be different for each of us. I am still peeling off some layers in this department and have found freedom in doing so. It started with me simply being open and willing to forgive even though I knew in that moment it would not be immediate. I learned not to take everything so personal and that people who hurt people, are the ones who are hurting the most. I've found compassion for myself and for them. If we are ever to see peace on this Earth, we are going to have to find it within each and every one of us as an individual first. Peace, Love and Forgiveness ![]() Many have been struggling in this heart opening energy at times while others are feeling more free than they ever have. And that's okay. We feel how we feel. Sometimes we can feel like we don't have a 'right' to feel happy and joyful when others are moving through tough emotions like sadness, anger and grief, but we do. It's important to remember that we are each on our own journey and that will bring what it brings. Our individual times and experiences of pain and struggle are there for us to move through and recognize as opportunities to become a stronger version of ourselves. We all experience our times of struggle and pain at different times. It's important for us to have compassion for the people in our world (some we know, some we don't) who are being pushed into uncomfortable territory for their soul's growth, but we don't have to take it on because it's not ours. Humans sometimes 'feel bad' when they are experiencing joy and happiness in their world while others are suffering. What if our happiness and joy energy is helping to carry others through their hard times? It wouldn't be productive to feel bad for feeling good if that is the case. If we can be in our high spirit energy without guilt we can use it knowing we are lifting the energy of others while they are down. When we are down they might be up and helping to lift our energy. Even though it is an 'unseen' thing, doesn't mean it's not happening?! So if you are going through a difficult time in your life, know that others along with Spirit are helping to carry you. And if you are happy and high on life...bask in it!! Get as high as you can without feeling bad, knowing that you are helping to carry them. It's all about living in our hearts right now. When I went through some of my hardest times, spinning in a deep dark hole not seeing even a glimmer of light, I can see now I was being broken open. Being made to 'feel' even though those feelings didn't feel good at ALL. They were still feelings. Something I'd spent most of my life trying my hardest to avoid. I'm grateful now and can see so clearly that our hearts must be cracked open in order to let the light in. That's why we came here. To live in our hearts and it's happening, it just doesn't always feel good at the time. Those harder times also showed me who the people were who gave a shit and had my back. I wouldn't trade that for anything now because I had things all mixed up. Our hardest experiences are often there for us to grow through and heal from so we can help others once we are in a good place again. We can't do that if we let our experiences break us down...we can only have compassion for ourselves and move through them keeping in mind that we are being role models for the others. Mostly our young ones. If they see us get healthy and strong through our painful times, it gives them hope. If we give up, they give up. They will be the leaders one day. If you're happy and high on life...SOAR, laugh, and play and don't feel bad about it. Our happiness is infectious and contagious! If you're experiencing hard emotions now or lately, hang on, keep the faith, and you will move through it to a better place. You'll see. Peace, Love and Happiness ![]() One day I arrived at Starbucks where I was waiting to meet a friend who was running late. Only myself and another table of people where in the coffee shop as I waited. The other table consisted of a mother with two young ones and somebody she was apparently interviewing for a job. I thought it interesting one would have their kids accompany them to a job interview but that's none of my business. My focus at one point moved to the oldest of the kids, I'm guessing he was approximately four but could see his soul was wiser than most. Mama bear was busy paying attention to the interviewee while the kids quietly occupied themselves, quite amazingly so. As I was nudged to look up at the young one at one point I noticed he could see energy. I giggled with my inside voice as I proceeded to watch his eyes chasing the energy bubbles that appeared only to him. He was darting his eyes around and then he started to 'pop' and 'flick' the energy bubbles with his hands. As I happily watched him playing with Spirit and energy, I thought to myself, how many people would label this child 'crazy' or immediately 'assume' something was wrong with him? In our society some parents or people begin to worry about a child's 'abnormal' behaviour it seems, and off to the medical system they go to determine what is 'wrong' with their child who has an invisible friend or sees the unseen in general. A medical system that is not equipped with a belief system that honors their special gifts. One that usually is quick to diagnose them with some medical issue and prescribe drugs so the child fits into society's idea of 'normal'. I remember when I was a young girl, seeing energy in different colors. Oftentimes at night I would wake up and see the lights dancing high in the room I was sleeping in. I would get a little freaked out sometimes and cry. My mother would come to comfort me and tell me I was hallucinating, that it was my imagination. I'm sure she had no idea and figured I was having nightmares but I was awake when I saw the energy, just too young to explain it so she could understand. I believe I 'turned off' those gifts at that point as I was not validated and it took me my lifetime to come to understand my intuitive gifts. Now that I own my gifts, and speak openly about my experiences, I have had many young ones feel safe enough to come to me with their stories. Some hear the trees talking, some see energy coming from their hands, some see auras, some have prophetic dreams, some see spirits, guides, angels and fairies, and some can touch a tree or an object and immediately see a movie in their minds about the energy that place carries and the history of what went on there. I listen with an open ear and get excited about their specific gifts. They feel relieved they have finally told someone and more importantly, they feel validated. If they tell the 'wrong' people about their experiences, they could end up being carted off to the doctors and end up taking prescription drugs which actually numbs their intuition. Yet it is their intuition that will help them, and us survive on this Earth. We all have it but we don't all honor it because we've been labelled weird or crazy. I've even personally experienced some religious people saying we/they are talking to the devil? That was new to me, not being raised any religion and having little knowledge of the bible, I had no idea this was being taught to the masses. I can assure you I'm not talking to the devil. Neither are these kids. I don't judge those people for their take on it, we all get to believe what we want. I think many of these very wise souls who are in young human form here have come with great purpose at this time on Earth. What if we created a safe space for them to speak about their experience without fear of judgement or being labelled as crazy? What if we talked to them about their experiences, even if there was some fear about it on our part? What if we encouraged their visions and helped them to develop themselves on this level? Many of these kids have chosen parents who believe in more that what the eye can see so they can do just that. Others have chosen paths where they feel judged and ridiculed by the people in their world. Maybe you could be that one person who changes how one of these kids sees themselves. I believe they are wise souls, as are we, who chose this human experience now, as did we. The strongest of the strong are here to help save the Earth, please validate them so they may shine their light and create a beautiful place for them to express themselves freely. They are our future. ![]() "Do not chase people. Do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life, will come to you." ~ Wu Tang This is so true. Some people are trying so hard to be a rock star but no one knows what they're gonna do when they get there? Wanting to get the attention and the light shone our way before we know how it is we would use that spotlight to use our lives to serve the greater whole, is backwards from where I sit. I think finding one's light (gifts, talents, and 'you'ness') has to come first, so we have a strong and solid foundation on which to base everything we do. Shining our light doesn't mean seeking attention. It means being confident with ourselves and sharing who we are with others in a humble way. It's interesting to observe the human behavior of trying to 'impress', seeking attention at all cost, like shooting cannons from the lighthouse even though the boats are going to see you no matter what. It's interesting because trying to impress people actually comes from a place of insecurity and thinking we're not good enough just the way we are. It can come across as arrogance, narcissistic, and self absorbed but those are masks that cover up deep insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. Living our lives trying to impress will often times attract people who seek to take our energy. Being who we really are will attract like minded people who are walking a similar path of integrity. Seeking credit or quietly performing a random act of kindness? Talking over everyone or being quiet and paying attention to others? Trying to impress or just being yourself? Telling stories about your life or asking someone about their life? It takes courage to continue on our own path...one that is true to us because sometimes the people in our lives don't want us to become our true selves. Continue on the path that is true to you anyway. In the end it is only ourselves we have to answer to. I set out to 'find myself' a few years ago when life wasn't working and my soul nagged at me daily that there was something bigger for me to do here. I find myself today calling myself an Artist (which I believe we all are in some form) and I SO didn't see that coming. I used to do charcoal sketches as a young girl because I found peace in that and most people in my world didn't even know I drew! A twist of fate on my journey to myself, led me to six months of solitude on an island in Washington State last winter. My childhood friend needed a house sitter for their house on an acreage there. This was a miracle for me as I'd been moving from place to place never knowing how I would eat some days or where I might lay my head. I had no idea what this experience would be about, as usual, I knew it would be life altering and it was. Before she left to begin her new life in Northern California, she told me she felt guided to leave me her sketch pad, two pencils and an eraser. I thought to myself, ok...thanks but I'm sure I came here to write. Six months later I came back to Canada with eight drawings which are now available for purchase and are hanging on people's walls!! Sometimes I look at them and think 'did I do that?'. While I understand completely that I am merely a vessel in human form that Spirit uses to create through, I am humbled and grateful to have that venue to shine my light. I am sharing that part of story, in hopes of offering you inspiration on your own journey. We've all come here with gifts to share and they're all completely unique to us. I should share too, that I've experienced much change by way of relationships falling away, hearing others' opinions of how I 'should' be living my life, and I've felt others' resistance to my changing and even jealously and attack. I've also experienced knowing who fully supports me on my path, encourages me and lifts me up. I changed anyway....cuz in the end it's myself I have to answer to. :) Our true light come from just being us. Being ourselves. No one else can do that, only us! Shine on, shine on! Peace, Love and Shiney'ness..... ![]() We've all heard the Serenity Prayer. "God (Creator, Universe) grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference." I think it's a beautiful prayer. I also think it's been said and read so much, that it's not always being 'applied' in our lives. We humans tend to read words, say words, or understand words but we aren't always aware if we are actually living them. It's one thing to have and share knowledge, it's quite another to apply it to our lives! It's interesting when I observe myself in a 'struggle' now and again, and realize how simple the solution can sometimes be to simply let go. When the serenity prayer is not just said, but applied to my life....wow, it's like an immediate shift takes place. When I notice any inner struggle surface, I ask 'can I change this'? If the answer is yes, then I've asked for the courage and I'm willing to make the necessary changes. If the answer is no, I can simply accept it and let the struggle go!! Easy peasy. ACCEPTANCE. The simple act of ACCEPTANCE can be so freeing! Sometimes things just ARE and we have no control over them!! It's amazing how much energy it actually takes to try to control everything or want things to be, or turn out a certain specific way. Believe me I used to be a HUGE control freak and God help anyone who was around me the day my plans went for a shit!! I would FREAK OUT! I remember getting bumped off a flight once in Toronto, back in my control freak days. Air Canada had over sold the flight and it didn't matter if we had full paid tickets or not (which we did) the flight was over sold. Instead of taking it all in stride and 'accepting' the situation, (which i would do now in a heartbeat, fully understanding there is a bigger picture that I can't see) I lost it on that airline agent. I am not proud of my behavior as I proceeded to have a hissy fit, but I was who I was back then and now I know better so I do better! As it turned out, the airline ended up providing us with a beautiful hotel room with meals included, a free flight for future use, and we were booked to leave the following morning on the same flight path. Do you think I could enjoy it?? No, I couldn't, because I chose to be pissed off all night instead! Had I simply stopped, taken a deep breath and 'applied' the serenity prayer in that situation, simply accepting what I couldn't change, I would have enjoyed the 'free stuff', saved the flight agent the attack, and my ex-husband the embarrassment! I probably have a thousand other instances where I could have applied acceptance and saved myself and others a lot of grief but that's one example. I've learned that one of the most powerful places to apply 'acceptance' is when we are wanting other people to change. If we apply the serenity prayer where other people are concerned we realize we must accept others exactly how they are because we cannot change other people! We can only change ourselves. Sometimes we humans prefer to stay in the struggle because it's like an old familiar friend. We can become addicted to those old familiar ways regardless of how unhealthy they are for us. No one said change was easy!! (or life for that matter) *sigh* ;-) Sometimes when we get a glimpse of inner peace or joy, it can freak us out so we find ourselves choosing our comfortable place of control or struggle. However if we are willing to make these small changes and incorporate new ways of doing things, more inner peace is definitely attainable. I know this from experience. So you might wanna try acceptance on for size today, this week, or every chance you get...see what happens. Oh and don't forget the most important acceptance...that of yourself...exactly as you are right now. It's a great starting point in becoming the person you really want to be. Peace, Love and Acceptance ..... ![]() "Freedom from the desire for answers is essential to the understanding of a problem." ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti Have you ever caught yourself going over a scenario in your head repeatedly trying to figure it out but no matter which way you look at it, you never get answers? Me too. I have. It's a human thing but we can choose to change it if we want. Sometimes we humans paralyze ourselves by staying in our heads analyzing and attempting to find answers to things that are simply not meant for us to know yet. We can't force a baby bird out of an egg or a leaf out of a bud. We just gotta let it be and unfold in it's own time while we mosy off to do something productive. I used to have severe anxiety attacks where I'd faint and my lips would turn blue. Anxiety is when we are in our heads trying to figure things out and wonder what is going to happen, so much in fact, that our breathing becomes shallow enough that we get weak and dizzy and sometimes faint. I've learned over the years, to practice accepting what IS, and as a result am able to live in the moment more and more every day, which has my anxiety pretty much non-existent. I will sometimes observe it mildly surfacing when life pulls the rug out from underneath me but nothing some deep breathing and acceptance work doesn't fix. The time we humans spend trying to figure everything out actually robs us of living a more present life. It has us missing what is really going on. We're using all that energy going around and around in our heads aimlessly, never finding a solution anyway?!! Wasted days and wasted nights (yes, I sang that). It seems we're either crying over something that's behind us, or freaking out about what's before us. What about right now? What about today? Do you see the ladybug or the blue jay? Do you hear the music? Can you smell the flowers? Maybe you don't have time because you have to get back to figuring everything out and making a plan to fix what isn't meant to be fixed right now? Usually taking a step back from the analyzing process, allows an answer to come in time. Obsessing usually pushes the answer or desired outcome further away from us. The 'letting go' process is definitely a learned thing. Like everything we want to master, we can only get there by practicing. We must first acknowledge when we are obsessing and over analyzing. Then from that point, we can CHOOSE to stop, accept everything and everyone exactly as is, and then CHOOSE to put our energy into ourselves or a creative project, or choose a thought of gratitude instead? Or choose to send an uplifting thought that person's way or to someone who is going through a hard time. Or choose to talk to Creator, the angels or our spirit guides. Maybe a relationship has fallen away for whatever reason. It happens. There are people in my life who had to sever ties with close family members because they loved themselves too much to continue feeling hurt. Sometimes that's the lesson. We don't always have to figure out and fix everything. We really can choose to just let it be or even let it go completely. Guilt free. Worry free. Some relationships aren't meant to be 'figured out' or 'fixed' right now. We can let ourselves off the hook and let it be! We can give ourselves the time and distance we need. Finding inner peace and forgiveness is the main thing, and sometimes we have to take time and space to do that. It's okay. We are only in control of ourselves and our own actions. If we want to fix something, why not make ourselves our own fix it project ;-) I've found no lack of things within myself to work on! It's quite freeing and empowering to choose to just let things be perfectly unfixed, and choose who we allow in our life and not feel bad for making those choices. Surrendering to what IS. I'll admit, for me, this feeling of not worrying or constantly analyzing and wondering how things are going to turn out, feels amazing yet at times unfamiliar. I observe my ego wanting me to slip back into my old familiar ways. I remind myself in those moments that everything is just as it is and it's not up to me to figure everything out and fix what clearly is not fixable or doable right now. Surrendering makes room for an answer to come and for us to enjoy the journey more. :-) Peace, Love and Let It Be ..... ![]() What a great analogy! Our lives being like that of an arrow. Having to be pulled back in order to move forward and hit our mark. There's another arrow analogy I remember from one of my favorite little books called The Lakota Way. It's about partnership. How an arrow on it's own is useless without a bow and vice versa. It takes both of them working together to create a useful result. That's a great reminder about the importance of having strong, supportive and equal partnerships in our lives. I've not been in a 'romantic' (for lack of a better word) partnership for many years, mostly because I made a decision to take a step back and work on myself so I could eventually attract a spiritually connected bow and arrow relationship :) What has happened for me on what has turned out to be an amazing and powerful solo spiritual journey, is that my solid bow and arrow partnership has become the one between myself and Spirit. In addition to this now very solid partnership, I have some pretty darn solid bow and arrow friendships too! It's very clear to me now, that when I would go through my 'pulling back' phases, I found myself getting closer to and seeking guidance and comfort from within and from Creator (which is what I choose to call God, Source, the Universe). In my younger days, I was too angry to even believe there was a God, so when I would go through this phase, I moved further away from that partnership because I didn't even believe it existed!! That's a whole other blog...I'll stay on topic here. It's during these drawbacks (in whatever form they show up) we can, if we choose, take comfort in remembering that we can use that time as an opportunity to strengthen the most important partnership we will ever have on our journey here. The one with ourselves and a higher power. As we move through the time of pulling back, we can understand that we are in a phase that precedes forward movement. Sometimes the arrow is pulled back for longer with a more powerful bow, depending on the distance and strength of the intended target. The drawing back phase is essentially one of gaining momentum, and a very necessary part of our growth and movement forward. It seems to me, the further and more powerful our destination, is oftentimes equated with the amount and frequency of set backs in our lives. Translated I'd say it means the bigger our purpose and the more people we are meant to use our lives to help, the more crap we gotta go through! How else are we going to gain the knowledge and experience to help those who come behind us with similar life circumstances? I've been experiencing a time of drawback this past week or so....it's been subtle but evident to me. It's surfaced this time as a quiet vulnerability and insecurity. The timing makes perfect sense, as this week I will be launching my artist website and selling prints and canvas of my latest creations. Drawing was something I did for myself, in fact many people who have known me most of my life weren't even aware that I sketched. In this time of my arrow being pulled back there's this quiet voice that whispers to me that I'm not good enough. I understand this to be my experience prior to the launch, so I can use this time to get closer to my bow, and then stand solid in my confidence knowing this isn't about me, it's about me using my life and sharing the gifts I've been given. As it is for all of us here. If you're in a launch phase right now, I hope you're getting some awesome air time!! If you're in a pull back phase right now, be patient and keep in mind you're preparing to launch and it's part of our human process. Oh, and remember, you'll need your bow! ;-) Peace, Love, and Bows & Arrows..... ![]() We can look at what we didn't do, or we can look at what we DID do...we can look at what we lost, or we can be excited about what we are about to gain...we can look at the past or we can anticipate our great future. That's my thought for the day. We are slowly coming out of a mercury retrograde phase...where we've all, no doubt, gone through circumstances which has tested our strength and had some 'past' feelings and issues surfacing giving us the opportunity to shed yet another layer of our old selves and old circumstances. I dipped and dived into those waters myself for a few days. Reflecting on what was or what could have been, as it is part of our human process, it's purpose being that of personal growth. A process for which I am most grateful for today. Some days we get self absorbed and feel sorry for ourselves, wishing things could be different. But they're not. They are what they are. It's in that acceptance where we find peace. It's in keeping faith that all is as it's meant to be and the knowing there is a bigger plan working that we can't always see. The trick is not getting caught up in our negative thought patterns for too long. Just long enough to be aware of the opportunity to use them to find gratitude in our lives and to make a choice to pat ourselves on the back for what we HAVE done instead of beating ourselves up for what we know we SHOULD DO but haven't yet, or to let go of what is gone and look forward to what is yet to come. It can definitely be a challenge to stay positive all the time that's for sure...impossible I would say...but there's power in our awareness of those negative thought patterns surfacing. We can notice them, acknowledge them and look at something to be grateful for. Taking time out to nuture ourselves and just 'be' and not 'do' helps too. It's in those quiet times where we can hear our own heartbeats, and realize we are connected to a powerful universal love energy, and truly are never alone. I choose to be grateful today for the amazing supportive people in my life, and find beauty in the simple things like a bike ride, a hot summer day, purple fences, sunflowers and music. I choose to believe that something incredible is about to happen, and that the best of my life is yet to come. Peace, Love and Perspective ![]() I was asking Spirit to give me a subject to blog about today, as I do each time I write a new blog, and after an amazing walk/run I was inspired to share a story with you. The other day I arrived at Starbucks where I was waiting to meet a friend who was running late. Only myself and another table of people where in the coffee shop as I waited. The other table consisted of a mother with two young ones and somebody she was apparently interviewing for a job. I thought it interesting one would have their kids accompany them to a job interview but that's none of my business. My focus at one point moved to the oldest of the kids, I'm guessing he was approximately four but could see his soul was wiser than most. Mama bear was busy paying attention to the interviewee while the kids quietly occupied themselves, quite amazingly so. As I was nudged to look up at the young one at one point I noticed he could see energy. I giggled with my inside voice as I proceeded to watch his eyes chasing the energy bubbles that appeared only to him. He was darting his eyes around and then he started to 'pop' and 'flick' the energy bubbles with his hands. As I happily watched him playing with Spirit and energy, I thought to myself, how many people would label this child 'crazy' or immediately 'assume' something was wrong with him? In our society some parents or people begin to worry about a child's 'abnormal' behaviour it seems, and off to the medical system they go to determine what is 'wrong' with their child who has an invisible friend or sees the unseen in general. A medical system that is not equipped with a belief system that honors their special gifts. One that usually is quick to diagnose them with some medical issue and prescribe drugs so the child fits into society's idea of 'normal'. I remember when I was a young girl, seeing energy in different colors. Oftentimes at night I would wake up and see the lights dancing high in the room I was sleeping in. I would get a little freaked out sometimes and cry. My mother would come to comfort me and tell me I was hallucinating, that it was my imagination. I'm sure she had no idea and figured I was having nightmares but I was awake when I saw the energy, just too young to explain it so she could understand. I believe I 'turned off' those gifts at that point as I not validated and it took me my lifetime to come to understand my intuitive gifts. Now that I own my gifts, and speak openly about my experiences, I have had many young ones feel safe enough to come to me with their stories. Some hear the trees talking, some see energy coming from their hands, some see auras, some have prophetic dreams, some see spirits, guides, angels and fairies, and some can touch a tree or an object and immediately see a movie in their minds about the energy that place carries and the history of what went on there. I listen with an open ear and get excited about their specific gifts. They feel relieved they have finally told someone and more importantly, they feel validated. If they tell the 'wrong' people about their experiences, they could end up being carted off to the doctors and end up taking prescription drugs which actually numbs their intuition. Yet it is their intuition that will help them survive on this Earth. We all have it but we don't all honor it because we've been labelled weird or crazy. I've even personally experienced some religious people saying we/they are talking to the devil? That was new to me, not being raised any religion and having little knowledge of the bible, I had no idea this was being taught to the masses. I can assure you I'm not talking to the devil. Neither are these kids. I don't judge them for their take on it, we all get to believe what we want. I think many of these very wise souls who are in young human form here have come with great purpose at this time on Earth. What if we created a safe space for them to speak about their experience without fear of judgement or being labelled as crazy? What if we talked to them about their experiences, even if there was some fear about it on our part? What if we encouraged their visions and helped them to develop themselves on this level? Many of these kids have chosen parents who believe in more that what the eye can see so they can do just that. Others have chosen paths where they feel judged and ridiculed by the people in their world. Maybe you could be that one person who changes how one of these kids sees themselves. I believe they are wise souls, as are we, who chose this human experience now, as did we. The strongest of the strong are here to help save the Earth, please validate them so they may shine their light and create a beautiful place for them to express themselves freely. They are our future. You can find my past weekly blog posts (dating back to October 2011) by visiting www.throughtheeyesofaspiritualwarrior.blogspot.com
![]() Wow...we've certainly been through some rough terrain lately...some are struggling in this heart opening energy while others are feeling more free than they ever have. And that's okay. Sometimes we can feel like we don't have a 'right' to feel happy and joyful when others are moving through tough emotions like sadness and grief but we do. It's important to remember that we are each on our own journey and that will bring what it brings. Our individual times and experiences of 'pain' are there for us to move through and become stronger in the end, and we all experience our times of struggle and pain at different times. It's important for us to have compassion for the people in our world (some we know, some we don't) who are being pushed into uncomfortable territory for their soul's growth but we don't have to take it on. Humans sometimes 'feel bad' when they are experiencing joy and happiness in their world while others are suffering. What if our happiness and joy energy is helping to carry others through their hard times? It wouldn't be productive to feel bad for feeling good if that is the case. If we can be in our high spirit energy without guilt we can use it knowing we are lifting the energy of others while they are down. When we are down they might be up and helping to lift our energy. Even though it is an 'unseen' thing, doesn't mean it's not happening?! So if you are going through a difficult time in your life, know that others along with Spirit are helping to carry you. And if you are happy and high on life...bask in it!! Get as high as you can without feeling bad, knowing that you are helping to carry them. It's all about living in your heart right now. When I went through some of my hardest times, spinning in a deep dark hole not seeing even a glimmer of light, I can see now I was being broken open. Being made to 'feel' even though those feelings didn't feel good at ALL they were still feelings. Something I'd spent most of my life trying my hardest not to feel. I'm grateful now and can see so clearly that our hearts must be cracked open in order to let the light in. That's why we came here. To live in our hearts and it's happening, it just doesn't always feel good at the time. Those harder times also showed me who the people were who gave a shit and had my back. I wouldn't trade that for anything now because I had things all mixed up. Our hardest experiences are often there for us to grow through and heal from so we can help others once we are in a good place again. We can't do that if we let our experiences break us down...we can only move through them keeping in mind that we are being role models for the others. Mostly our young ones. If they see us get healthy and strong through our painful times, it gives them hope. If we give up, they give up. They will be the leaders one day. If you're happy and high on life...SOAR, laugh, and play and don't feel bad about it. Our happiness is infectious and contagious! If you're experiencing hard emotions now or lately, hang on, keep the faith, and you will move through it to a better place. You'll see. ![]() Re-Post: Mercury has just gone retrograde again (July 14th) and will remain so until August 8th....here's a reminder about the energies this cycle brings and how to use it in your life if you so choose :-)) ‘That’s not fog. It’s dragon’s breath. It’s magical. When the dragon’s breath comes, when the fog appears, it is a magical time, a mysterious time. Things begin to change.’ ~ The Lessons of Love by Melody Beattie I’ve been working with the moon cycles and this cycle called Mercury retrograde for quite some time now and have found that life has become easier because I am aware of, and use the energy of these cycles for my personal growth. Let me say first off that I have a basic understanding of Astrology, I am not an Astrologer, and it’s not my intention to make believers out of those of you who have no belief or interest in this stuff. I’m simply sharing my knowledge and personal experience for those of you who are interested in the unseen energies that move in and around us constantly. They can be very helpful for personal growth and awareness. As above, so below. Much like the description in the lead-in quote above, Mercury retrograde energy can feel at times, like a fog has set in on our lives. If we can understand and accept that change is in the air and magic is happening behind the fog, we can easier move through the fog with patience and in anticipation of a time in the future when the fog lifts and things are clear and flowing once again. There are three to four Mercury retrograde cycles per year and they last approximately three weeks. There’s a shadow period for days before and after the actual retrograde period when the energies are felt, just not as strongly as during the actual retrograde. The planet Mercury in general, rules thinking and perception, processing information, education, travel and communication. So when it goes retrograde, it often affects these areas of our lives. For instance, we might notice more than usual, missed messages, misunderstandings, text messages and emails send to the wrong person, taken out of context, or not being received at all. As well there’s often travel mix ups and delays, problems with computers, cell phones, tv’s, and vehicles. You might also notice situations, people and issues from the past resurfacing. Especially notice what was happening in your life during the last Mercury retrograde because whatever was going on in your life at that time, will likely resurface in some form so you can face that part of yourself again and continue to clear old unhealthy patterns. Sometimes it's so you can see yourself in a new light and see how you've grown since the last retrograde. It can be a frustrating time for some people, especially if you are not willing to be honest with yourself and make necessary changes in your life, or if you are pushing and trying to make something happen. It could be that your flight gets delayed or cancelled, you buy a new cell phone and it’s a total dud, or your computer crashes! Basically it’s life not going according to ‘your’ plans. Try to remember something bigger is happening and you are ultimately not in charge even though you think you are! This is not a time to make firm decisions, move forward on projects or plans, or sign legal documents or contracts. It can feel at times like you are pushing against a strong wind, so why not wait until the planet moves forward again, and have the wind CARRY you instead? When we insist on pushing forward at this time, we will often find out later that the paperwork couldn’t be completed because of some unforeseen circumstances, the contract or deal falls through, or new information is revealed that might have been important in your decision making process. It is also not a time to purchase a vehicle or electronic equipment of any kind as there are often issues that surface later with respect to that equipment or vehicle or it could be you just get a dud. The best way to use this retrograde phase is to research a new project, or work on an unfinished project, reflect on life and recent situations, revise, review, relax, renegotiate a contract or situation, clear out the old things (emails, computer files, paperwork, closets, garage, vehicle) that no longer serve you in order to free up energetic space for the new to come in. New information is often revealed to us by the end of this cycle, as there is likely something more to learn or release before moving forward on your path. It’s a great practice to back up your computer before Mercury retrograde! Confirm travel itineraries prior to travelling and do be prepared to be patient should your travel end up cancelled or delayed. I’ve learned to roll with the travel delays over the years…I used to be SO anal!! Now I understand the universe can see ten steps ahead of me and I watch for new people I might meet or circumstances that transpire that I might have missed due to the delay. Maybe it’s there to teach us patience, maybe it’s there to save our ass. It’s best to trust those delays. Personally I love Mercury retrograde!! I used to dread it when I owned and ran a travel agency though! Yikes. Although having an understanding of the energies of this cycle and keeping a sense of humor helped! When wires got crossed or computer systems went wonky, I could find some humor in it knowing full well that Mercury was behind it! Now I use this time to reflect, do a life review, watch what old stuff is coming up for me emotionally, and I put my energy into researching new projects or pulling out old unfinished projects. I am also cleaning out old emails and outdated files on my computer. I am simply aware, and do a lot of deep breathing and practicing patience, all the while knowing full well that clarity and a time to take action awaits. So? Mercury Retrograde, friend or foe? You decide. J p.s. Moon phase and mercury retrograde calendar can be found at www.astroprofile.com ***************************************************************************************** "The several days before Mercury reverses direction are called the storm and it’s a good time to read what is going on in your life. The Mercury storm is like the tidal surge before a hurricane. It’s an experience that gives you information about what the ingredients of the retrograde period are likely to be. Every Mercury retrograde has different ingredients, but some themes are more likely than others. Among the most prevalent paradigms is the discovery of that which has been concealed or otherwise escaped notice. The revelation of information is one of the fringe benefits of going back over the same ground. |